Modern electrical engineer: New Challenges and Opportunities

October 30 this year at the jobs fair "KPI invites to cooperation" Department of Electricity  of the Institute of  Energy Saving and Energy Management held a roundtable "Modern Power Engineer: new challenges and opportunities." The meeting was attended by teachers of the department

Students FASS practice in Poland

In July 2014 FASS best students, selected by indexes rating, in cooperation with the Faculty mechanic, energy and aviation Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw Polytechnics) were on study industrial practices in Poland. It took place in several cities.

"Talents KPI 2014" invite

November 5, 2014, the solemn opening of the annual art contest "Talents KPI" was held in the exhibition hall of the building 7. 68 participants submitted to the contest 350 works in the genres of "Painting", "Graphics", "Arts and Crafts" and "Embroidery".

Job Fair "Work for You - Fall 2014"

November 6, 2014, a job fair "Work for You - Fall 2014", organized by the Centre for Career Development and the Department of educational work was traditionally held in NTUU “KPI”.

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