The department of environmental biotechnology and bioenergy Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnic (Head - prof. E.V.Kuzminsky) is one of the youngest in the NTUU "KPI". It was established in 2005 with the aim of training in the field of processing waste, cleaning water and soil, using of biotechnology to solve environmental problems. One of the main directions of scientific research - "Research and development of technologies for biological wastewater treatment of various origins and construction of treatment facilities for their implementation" is headed by prof. Larissa Andreyevna Sabliy.

L.A.Sabliy graduated from the National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use (NUWMNRU) on the specialty "Water supply and canalization." In 1989 she defended the these on the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences for the same specialy. Working at the Department of Sanitation, heat and ventilation, she read the lectures, conduct practical and laboratory classes on subjects related to the physical chemistry and biology of water. She was actively engaged in research in the field of water treatment.

In 2008-2011 L.A. Sabliy studied in the doctorate at the department of environmental biotechnology and bioenergy. In 2011 she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on "Physical-chemical and biological purification highly concentrated wastewater” on the specialty 05.17.21 - water purification technology.

The relevance of her study does not require any prove - the need to wastewater treatment of industries and localities everybody knows. But apparently only experts know about biological wastewater treatment, in which contaminants are removed due to microorganisms - bacteria, algae, ciliates, rotifers and others.

Biological treatment is the most appropriated method of purifying waterwaste impurities from organic compounds, which, falling into natural water bodies, leading to water decay, overgrowth, fish kills. Particularly dangerous is the wastewater of a number of industries (light, food, etc.), which contain high concentrations of suspended solids, high molecular organic compounds and heavy metal ions and other contaminants. The development of effective methods of treatment of such waters is and important task, and not easy. Every company requires an individual approach, because the chemical composition of the wastewater at different ¬ enterprise are different, so each must choose the most effective association of microorganisms, the conditions for their cultivation, construction of sewage treatment plant and equipment, cleaning regimes and the like.

L.A.Sably develops complex methods of purification of highly concentrated waste water, which use the flotation method (pressure flotation, electroflotation, bio coagulation-flotation, etc.) combining with the followed biological treatment in a specially created by anaerobic (oxygen-free ), anoxic and aerobic conditions. Developments, carried out under the guidance of Larissa Andreyevna, were implemented at a number of sewage treatment plants: agro-industrial complex "Zaria" and the village Kvasilov Rivne region, city Kosiv Ivano-Frankivsk region, hospitals of restorative treatment MIA of Ukraine (Kiev.) malt plant Slavuta Khmelnitsky region, tannery "World of Leather", Bolekhiv Ivano-Frankivsk region, city Simferopol, in the construction and sewage treatment facilities reconstruction Dubno Rivno region, etc. .

The results of scientific research and engineering developments are displayed in 2 scientific monographs (among them – L.A. Sabliy "Physical chemical and biological highly concentrated wastewater treatment", 2013), 240 scientific and methodical educational works and 17 patents.

Larissa Andreyevna for 13 years led the scientific work of post graduates, which results in a successful defense of her five disciples of master's theses. Among them - the senior teacher department eco-biotechnology and bioenergy, the Candidate of Technical Sciences V.S. Zhukov, who continues the research- in the field of water treatment with L.A.Sabliy and that at the end of 2013 was awarded the title of "Young teacher-researcher" NTUU “KPI ".

Results of their research interested Polish specialists in water treatment. In February this year L.A.Sabliy and V.S. Zhukov visited the Institute of Agro-physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin, where scholars of environmental biogeochemistry conducted joint research of the processes of anaerobic and aerobic wastewater treatment dairies in bioreactors with immobilized microorganisms and discussed future joint projects work in this area between the department and the department of environmental biotechnology and bioenergy NTUU "KPI".

... Majority of teachers and students at the department of environmental biotechnology and bioenergy are women. I think it is no coincidence. It is women who make our planet cleaner.

V. Mykolayenko