We regularly inform our readers with the activity of Volunteer Battalion of the KPI. This Battalion aims to help the Ukrainian military - ATO participants. Today, we will speak about the important role played by women - employees of the University in such an important charity work. Interestingly, women volunteers KPI in a conversation with our correspondent refused to go into the details of their activities, they say, no, we are not heroes to write about us in the newspaper. But how cannot write about them, when women today are warm and care about our wounded heroes in hospitals ...
A volunteer coordinator, chief engineer ESC "IASA" Elena Belyaeva says:
- Women KPI are very actively helping wounded soldiers in hospitals, the Kiev Regional Hospital. With their care the soldiers did not feel abandoned. They help them with daily chores. Homemade food, clothing, medicines, brought television, festive table, tree, the New Year gifts these are just a few strokes across the spectrum of care. But it is not the main thing – the constant communication with the defenders of our Fatherland gives heroes temporarily bedridden, courage, faith that all will be well.
And there are some examples of charity. One of the wounded, who should be on treatment for several months, our colleagues from other volunteer organization presented a laptop. At the request of the fighter the employee of KPI directly at the hospital will help him to learn computer and teach English. Another of the wounded soldiers, awarded, by the way, the medal "For Courage", expressed a desire to prepare for university entrance. And in this the women volunteers decided to help him - acquired new textbook on Ukrainian language, brought other literature.
Wonderful coordinator of giving the aid is the head of the Department of Technology electrical and chemical production FCT Olga Linyucheva. Assistant of this department, graduate student Julia Miroshnichenko is the most active volunteer. She constantly visits the wounded, invites children from the music school, who staged a concert at the hospital. She organized the transfer of drawings from schoolchildren to the soldiers. Can you imagine how sweetly and with what gratitude wounded respond to such attention.
All employees NTUU"KPI", which in various forms help military - ATO participants, I pass the gratitude from the defensers of Ukraine. I also want to name the most active female volunteers. These are Lyudmila Khrokalo, Julia Miroshnichenko, Nina Bilousova and Lubov Drobyazko - with FCT, Irina Dobrovol'skaya – from FL, Natalia Murashova - IPP, Irina Tsyganiy – from IESEM, Natalia Matkovska - with FL, Catherine Kirilenko - with FEPEA, Dasha Nadikova, student FPE and Kseniya Bohun, student IASA.
Finally Elena Belyaeva, which also should be noted among the most active volunteers, expressed the wish that students should be actively associated with the volunteer movement. Of course, it is purely voluntary, and for some reason compared with the assistance provided by the staff of the University, army of many thousands of students KPI could perhaps prove themselves noticeable.