Post-Chernobyl problems and experience exchange

   16, September the director of the Ukrainian-Japanese center NTUU "KPI" Yuriy Kushnarov  received at the Center a respectable Japanese delegation, who was in Ukraine in order to exchange experiences with Ukrainian experts on Post-Chernobyl issues.

Sheremet Maxim: his calling is engineer

Young people and students of  KPI  were born and raised in the independent state. They relaxed, curious, mobile and mostly talented and original. Through social networks not only communicate with like-minded, but also have the opportunity to express themselves.

The Book about Leonard

During the exploration of old part of library fund, certainly encounter the publication, which was earned the great famous in various sciences, technology or art, but nowadays-is little known.

Preparation the experts in speciality “Resourceexploitation techlogy”

September 23 on the base of resourceexploitation and cleaner industry and Institute of postdiploma education NTUU “KPI” took place the first meeting of participants of retraining military personal in the course of preparation the expert in speciality “Resourceexploitation techlogy” according

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