A visit to the Opole University of Technology

At the invitation of the direction of the Opole University of Technology (Opole c., Poland) the head of Department of  Theoretical and Industrial Heat Systems Engineering (TIHSE) DEeng and professor H.B.Varlamov visited this institution in 15-18 of September 2015.

Board of studies session: 05.10.2015

The issue of the session was information about results of conducting wellness season 2015. Reported managing director of prospective development programs and social maintenance S.A.Ohinskyy.

First-year students in big city

Quest excursion “The legend of big city”, which is traditionally held by students town NTUU “KPI” for first year students, took place in September 26. In interesting, living form students learned Kyiv, got to know about interesting places and legends of one of the best capital in Europe.

Presentation of bolide Formula Student KPI

October 7, 2015 in NTUU "KPI" there was a presentation of the racing car class Formula SAE, which was designed and constructed by students NTUU "KPI" led by head of the integrated technology engineering department MMI Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Vitalii Pasichnyk.

Kyiv Urban Fest in KPI

In NTUU "KPI" the Second Kiev Urban Fest (KUF2) took place from September 19 to September 27, 2015. This festival became a platform for discussions, exchange of experience and association of efforts of city initiatives.

The days of Japan in Odesa

In early September, employees of Ukrainian-Japanese center NTUU "KPI" took part in realization the Days of Japan in Odesa, which were from 3 to 5 September and were devoted to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of sister city relations between the cities of Odesa and Yokohama.

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