About foundation of Research Department KPI

Last year it passed 80 years from the time of association in the structure of Kiev Industrial Institute engineering, energetic and chemical-technological institutes, which were founded on the basis of KPI.

Antoniuk Viktor Stepanovych. Veteran PBF

A university competition "teacher-researcher" was launched a decade ago and named galaxy of scientists who have acquired knowledge and skills in Soviet times, when engineering talent aroused respect and KPI graduates successfully work across the vast country.

A meeting to the Day of Defender of Ukraine

As you know, the President of Ukraine signed a decree about the establishment in Oct. 14 of national annual holiday - the Day of Defender of Ukraine. That day also significant for the Christian feast of the

For the young about scientific activities specific

Dedicating science more than 40 years of my life, I want to share with those who are just thinking to begin study science, some considerations about the science specific, which in many aspects very different from other areas of human activity.

The exhibition of batik and painting "Awakening"

Under this name in the Picture Gallery of NTUU "KPI" in 21th of October 2015, was opened an exhibition of artist Tatyana Maximova from Bila Zerkva. The artist uses traditional batik techniques: cold, hot, nodular and the technique of free painting.

Labyrinth 2015. Autumn

Watermelon. Latin deity. Mud. Students. "Polytechnic". What joins these words? Of course, the "Labyrinth." Travel Game "Labyrinth" for the KPI has become traditional. "Labyrinth 2015. Autumn" October 2-4, brought together students of NTUU "KPI" at the WTO "Polytechnic".

Why are trees so clourful in autumn?

I think these lines of Alexander Pushkin are familiar to all. And all students of KPI can enjoy by trees that are dressed in the gold and purple robes at our university.

Skype-conference with Yaroslav Azhniuk (video)

On October, 23rd there was a skype-conference with the Faculty of Applied Mathematics graduate, CEO of PetCube start-up, Yaroslav Azhniuk in the Physics lecture hall of the building #1 on NTUU ‘KPI’.

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