National seminar on physical nuclear security

From January 30 to February 3, 2017 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine on the basis of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute conducted national seminar on "Educational program of physical nuclear safety in Ukraine: practice, IAEA recommendations and implementation experience in some universities."

European and World Standards of Education are What We Aspire to

In 2007, 32 year-old Yuliia Yamnenko became one of the youngest Doctor of Engineering Science. In 2015 she became the Head of the Department of Industrial Electronics of the Faculty of Electronics (FE), which, as is generally known, is also quite rare for a young female technician.

Studying and being inspired

The freshman of the engineering and chemical faculty Katerina Bondarenko became the winner of the KPI talent competition in the Painting nomination. Her landscapes, presented at the exhibition, attracted attention to some sort of mystery and hidden content as an unfinished sentence.

Doors Open Day: everything future applicants have to know

Several hundreds of future applicants and their parents visited Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute to familiarize themselves with its institutes and faculties and to get first hand information about this year admission requirements.

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