First Christmas children's futsal tournament

On 4-5 January 2017 at the initiative of the department of sports perfection and trade union of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky took place the First Children's Christmas Futsal Tournament.

The meeting concerning foreign economic affairs

On February 16 a meeting of deputy directors of institutes,deans of faculties of international business and representatives of the departments was held which are responsible for this line of work in their departments.

Volodymyr Brzhezytskyi celebrated 75 anniversary!

Volodymyr Brzhezytskyi, Acting Head of Department of High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics of Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics, celebrated his 75 anniversary on 16 February 2017.

The Folk Academic Choir Concert

On January 12, 2017 the Academic Folk Choir of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky gave solo Christmas concert in the premises of Lutheran Church of St. Catherine in Kiev.

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