Day of Japan - 2018 (video)

On September 7, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was painted in the national colors of Japan. There is the spirit of the Country of the Rising Sun on the campus.

Visit of representatives of Japanese investment companies

September, 6, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was visited by the delegation of representatives of investment structures of Japan under the leadership of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Ukraine in 2002-2005, Auditor of SDGs Co. Ltd Kishichiro Amae

The school year began in Kyiv's Japanese school

Unlike Ukraine, where the academic year begins in September, schools and universities in Japan start work in April. For many Japanese, the arrival of spring is associated with the ceremonies of the beginning of the school year, which are held in abundant bloom of sakura.

Kimono exhibition

An exhibition of traditional Japanese clothing – kimono was held at the Ukrainian-Japanese Center of the Igor Sikorsky KPI. Visitors were fascinated by aesthetics and minimalism, which are the essence of the Rising Sun Country.

Concert of Tempeya Nakamuri

December 1, within the plan of events of the Year of Japan in Ukraine, was a concert of the most fascinating pianist-virtuoso and composer— Tempeya Nakamura at the Center for Culture and Arts of the Igor Sikorsky KPI which were organized by the Ukrainian-Japanese Center of Igor Sikorsky KPI and

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