Epics of Kyiv Polytechnic

In our time, the enrollment into the KPI was not easy, and training in it - much harder. Among the recognized almost by all of the most difficult education subjects the theory of machines and mechanisms – TMM is occupied the leading place.

Echo of Chernobyl. The anniversary of the Chernobyl accident

In the mid-80s on the FCT it was functioned radiochemistry laboratory headed by prof. Yu.Ya.Fialkov with modern equipment and a cohort of young scientists, who have had experience with open sources of ionizing radiation "hot" radionuclides. In the laboratory, a theoretical study of non-aqueous and aqueous solutions, as well as practical developments were carried out, for example, methods of industrial wastewater of various contaminants including radioactivity.

1917-1921: KPI during the Civil War

During the first post-revolutionary years and during the Civil War, despite the political changes in Ukraine, the KPI remained higher school of the old type.

Entrance exams in the KPI in 1938

In recent years, both in our and neighboring countries are hotly debated the rules of an enrollment students in higher education institutions. At the same time it is discussed an improvement of  the training quality.

1975-1980: Focus on training broad specialists

In the second half of the 70s in the KPI, there were more than 30 thousand students, 7 thousand employees. More than half the departments (63%) were headed by scientists of higher qualification - doctors and professors. From all 1745 teachers 86 have doctoral degrees, 851 - candidates of sciences, 14 teachers were awarded the Lenin, state, federal and republican prizes. In 1980, there were branches of remote education: 21 in Kiev, 4 in Chernigov, 3 - in Zhitomir, 2 in Cherkassy second branches [17, p. 13].

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