In the second half of the 70s in the KPI, there were more than 30 thousand students, 7 thousand employees. More than half the departments (63%) were headed by scientists of higher qualification - doctors and professors. From all 1745 teachers 86 have doctoral degrees, 851 - candidates of sciences, 14 teachers were awarded the Lenin, state, federal and republican prizes. In 1980, there were branches of remote education: 21 in Kiev, 4 in Chernigov, 3 - in Zhitomir, 2 in Cherkassy second branches [17, p. 13].
Plans for the admission of students to all forms of education in 1976- 1980 were performed. The qualitative composition of students has improved somewhat, as evidenced by the increase in score of the certificate applicants from 4.66 in 1976 to 4.78 in 1980. In secondary schools of Kiev and region, military units, enterprises and institutions by teachers and students has been done considerable work on vocational guidance future entrants. As a result, the number of graduates increased from 4012 in 1976 to 4885 in 1980 [17, p. 40].
In the second half of the 70s there started to be apparent weaknesses of the work on the above mentioned trends. Attempts to improve and modernize did not have a significant detrimental to the internal contents, and even to some extent strengthened the characteristic of high school in those years of stagnation. However, progress in a number of issues emerged. It was continued, in particular, updating of curricula in order to ensure continuous training of students. For example, there were appeared the "through" training programs to work with OT and its use at certain stages of engineering training. There were developed the programs in higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, computer science and other disciplines. The new education documentation envisaged to strengthen the role of mathematics, physics, mechanics. It has been provided the course "Introduction to the profession."
Improving the curriculum was carried out by analyzing the material of each discipline and the time allotted for all forms of education for students. It just evolved working curricula and calendar of activities in the field, courses and forms of education. Interconnection disciplines partially achieved by the so-called structural-logic circuits. Considerable work in this regard was held in teaching and methodical direction, headed by prof. M.S. Ilchenko. As a result, progress has been made in the optimal use of time and the time allocated for independent work of students. For each of the subjects it was calculated the "coefficient of the complexity of the work," and found that the students I year the time for independent work shall be 24 hours in a week, II - 22; III and IV - from 18 to 20; V - 24. The improvement of curricula and working programs helped to improve the quality of the learning process. According to the institute's Coordination Commission for the control of quality and efficiency of learning the background knowledge of students in April 1980 amounted to 85-92% compared to 68-79% in 1976/77.
A special feature of universities in these years was focus on training broad specialists. Improvement of the technical and technological base of production, better utilization of the national economy of science and technology, changes in social relations in the production teams - all this has increased the requirements for high school graduates. The staff of the computer laboratory was increased from 30 to 250 people. It was equipped with four training classes teletype data preparation for third-generation computers and three classrooms to work on a computer such as "Mir". It was enacted fourth third-generation computers ES-1022, after which performance computing center has reached 500 thousand operations per second. In 1980 there were in the Institute (together with branches), 24 large and medium-sized computers, as well as 1,662 small, which gradually united system of collective use. In general, the Institute in 1980 the use of the time machine every full-time students was 5.6 hours. Faculties control systems, electrical instrument, radio engineering, electronic engineering wer used from throughout the course. There were operated special computer classes for training in the SOC and mathematics. There were widely used in computer courses OT in engineering and economic calculations and basic programming. 1980 in KPI and its affiliates there were working 93 technic audiences, 11 classes of automated control, 6 language laboratories, 3 cinemas, 350 controlling machines. Provision of information, which is implemented automated control system, has become an important element of the operational management of the university [17, p. 71].
A significant impact on the learning process had scientific and research work of students. To solve this problem one could only be by making organic scientific developments in the learning process. Some steps in this direction were carried out mainly in the methodological and organizational plans. Already in 1976 the KPI teachers shared their experience in the organization of research work of students with members of the All-Union meetings on this issue, which took place in Kazan in March 1976 and in Kiev in February 1977, as well as inter-republican conference "The combination of research students in the learning process" (Kiev, October 1976) [18, p. 1].
The departments developed a comprehensive plan to attract students to scientific research, issued "Guidelines for preparation of comprehensive plans and integrated work programs of research students for the entire period of training for specialties polytechnics."
To guide the research work of students were involved, as a rule, teachers profiling departments, employees with similar profile research institutes and industrial enterprises. Positive experience has been gained, particularly in the welding department. For example, a course on the basics of research was given by the department head of the Institute of Electric of E.O. Paton NASU prof. G.I. Leskov. Teaching theory research was updated on the fifth year seminar "Problems in the theory and practice of welding production" whose leaders were representatives of the academic and research institutions - Professor M. Gapchenko and G.I. Leskov. To train future professionals, along with faculty and technical base it was used also the base of the Institute of Electric of E.O. Paton Centre for retraining. The work in these laboratories has enabled senior students to combine fundamental education to the acquisition of research skills in research teams and ended engineering a number of original instruments and equipment [19, p. 1].
A similar form of organization of educational and scientific process was developed in other faculties. Students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology part of the research work carried out in the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. On the Engineering Physics Faculty the Department of high-temperature materials and powder metallurgy carried out the classes on the course "Introduction to the profession" at the Institute for Problems of Materials Science.
A close relationship with the educational departments KPI industries and associations promoted improvement of the educational and research directions. Thus, the Department of Mining Automation and Electromechanics and chemical engineering practiced the training at the plant "Bolshevik". Graduate works at the departments of Instrument and electronic equipment were carried out on the basis of factory "Arsenal" and "Crystal".
Various forms of attracting students to scientific work were used, for example through student STS which promoted science and technology, held competitions, Olympiads, organized work of scientific circles and seminars. 1980 on profiling departments there were operated 113 scientific student seminars.
Increased student scientific creativity helped to attract students for state budget and contract research topics; so at the end of the 80s they performed almost half of these topics.
Effective form of student scientific creativity were students and engineering offices, work that meets the requirements of the curriculum and stimulated the development of the students' design and technological thinking, imparts skills of independent work. Workers of technical departments and GWF organized for students lectures on design and invention. In 1979 KPI with the participation of students performed a significant amount of work on implementation in the production of scientific and engineering developments, which allowed the economic effect of 27 million rubles. [20 p.1].
Development of various forms of student scientific work led to improve the quality of projects and dissertations. During 1976-1980 the annual number of them accounted for over 60% of the total. At the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, electro, control systems practically all completed projects were real. Most of them were employed in the national economy. So, the students of the Faculty of thermal power A.B. Litovchenko and I.I. Litovchenko completed thesis project "The steam generator in the power unit of 300 MW at an angle to the suburban Ryazan GRES", which was adopted for practical application. Students of Chemical Engineering Faculty I.A. Bogdanova and T.V. Churova on the instructions of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences completed a thesis based on research involving the use of basalt fibers in papermaking. Materials graduation project A.S. Liko "Electroplating instrument-making factory, equipped with automatic lines nickel" was adopted by the "Kievpribor."
A special form of scientific creativity of students KPI became a real complex design. On the Radio Engineering Department in 1977 there were done the first steps to attract students to participate in scientific research, conducted in conjunction with the DB of S.P. Korolev. Students performed theses and term papers on the subject of association, and after graduation were assigned to work for this company. Acquired during the training skills of theoretical and practical facilitate industrial adaptation period. Overall, however, the institute has developed this form slowly. In 1979 State Board of Examiners, fixing a high level of training, drew attention to the lack of comprehensive graduation projects and recommended the expansion of the real diploma design and deepen the research work.
Significant work was done by educational department (Vice Rector P.N.Talanchuk ). Through the efforts of teachers there have developed guidelines on drawing up work programs for general-scientific, and general engineering majors to enhance the humanization of education. General scientific and special chairs made in their work programs necessary elements of an educational nature. The introduction of the "Guidelines" made a positive impact on the overall level of teaching the general scientific and technical disciplines. If earlier the elements of the humanization were included in the lectures occasionally, but now their study in various courses and as part of other disciplines were presented in a certain system. The efforts of the humanitarian aspect of textbooks and teaching aids, some of which were prepared jointly by teachers of general scientific departments and faculties of social sciences. During 1976-1980,. In the KPI as an experiment carried out work on scientific prediction, prospective and current planning of the educational process in an integrated manner. Comprehensive plan was drawn up for the entire period of study the students and in all departments - from the faculty to the department. It was first developed in 1974, and the content of this work was reflected in two planes: on the courses of study consistent with the increasing complexity of the tasks, and some forms of the educational process. Later, it was significantly reinforced and clarified. There were developed and published "Guidelines for planning educational process", where for each main direction there were determined by the central questions. An integrated approach promoted continuity of education, created favorable conditions for the rapid changes in subject matter and content of the event. Unfortunately, the possibilities inherent in integrated planning, have been implemented only partially and not in all areas affecting the inhibitory effect of the then existing social and political structures, as well as the ideological dictates.
There was further development in the movement SCB, founded in the 60s when on construction sites Kustanai region almost 100 young men and women worked. In the early 80-ies in SCB of KPI there were 1,850 students that perform work totaling 4.6 million rubles. The intensity of their constantly growing: 1979 - 2230 students in different areas of work have mastered 7200000 rubles., In 1980 - 1525 students completed work on a total of 6 million rubles. SCB worked in Kiev, Kustanai, Magadan, Tyumen, Kherson, Nikolaev, the Crimea and other areas. There were formed in the Institute the brigades of conductors rail cars, telephone operators, students built schools and child care centers, residential facilities, develop playgrounds. Increased significantly politically mass cultural and educational activities of students in the third semester. They gave lectures and presentations to the public, organized concerts, have been working with "difficult" teenagers. They were actively involved in agricultural operations.
In 1980, 5 thousand students went to harvest. Among them there were foreigners studying in the KPI. As part of international construction teams KPI students traveled to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany and Cuba.
The organizational and practical work carried out on the further development of the material-technical base of the KPI. Because there was not enough classrooms, classes were held in three shifts, which, of course, create difficulties in organizing the educational process and the deployment of scientific research. The Institute does not have the necessary space for physical training of students and staff and holding cultural events. Acute problems of housing students' families did not have enough seats in the dining rooms and a snack bar, there were other financial problems. 1976 The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a technology project construction in 1976- 1980 estimated cost of construction is 33.2 million rubles, and the complex of student hostels - 7,590,000 rubles. It was increase the number of volunteers who, together with the builders constructed university facilities. The motto "My house - with my hands" was vital for the polytechnics. Close cooperation in this matter and the public administration has allowed in 1980 to commission two units of domestic trade and the center of the campus, three dormitories, teaching laboratory building silicate technology, chemical engineering welding unit current classrooms, dining room with 1000 seats, cable collector and other objects. It was continued the construction of teaching and laboratory building technical faculty, academic building physical education and children's nursery for 320 seats.
Due to the successful construction it has been considerably improved the state with training and production facilities, but in 1980 the hospital facilities accounted for one student were only 8.36 m2 of usable area and for 900 student families - only 140 one-bedroom apartments in the small-family residences. Although at the end of the 80s the number of places in hostels increased from 11625 to 13690, the providing of the students with them was only 81.5%, on one living there had 5.8 m2 [17, p. 73].
Important role in the life of the KPI was played by student government: student organizations took an active part in the construction of dormitories and academic buildings, the distribution of seats in the dorms with the labor participation rate, there is the creation of clubs and sports rooms, welfare and recreation. Faculty teaching and educational Commission submitted for the consideration its proposals for the organization of independent work of students; in student dormitories were consulted, meetings and discussions on various issues; working rooms were filled with the necessary literature, manuals for self-study; students supervised the construction and equipment of sports fields and rooms [21, p. 4].
Entertainment evenings, meetings with interesting people, concerts, amateur groups were held in the student coffee club, which at that time began to be created in the dormitories. The first of these was the club "Vatra", created on the Radio Engineering Department. In the ge student canteen it was operated club "Polytechnic". Students and teachers in the years enjoyed the evening, which organized the "Club of interesting meetings", Competitions student initiative "Golden integral"; Photo Club "Panorama" and others. In the days of vacation for students there were organized excursions and hiking.
Necessary attention was paid to physical education students and staff KPI. Only in the 1978-1980 the RFW&D norms were passed by more than 10 thousand students. In sports clubs of the Institute there were prepared 16 masters of sports, 67 candidates for the master, over 9 thousand arrested sportsmen. Every year the number of participants was increasing in faculty Spartakiads constantly were organized competitions between hostels. On sports day XXXII KPI prizes were won by the team Electricity Department.
With increased educational and research activity of students it was important the provision of necessary literature. In 1979 it was completed the construction of the library. It had ten reading rooms for 1000 places. There were established halls directories and files, new acquisitions, regulatory and technical documentation, bibliographic information and publications. Library staff differentially served on the faculties of readers. For this purpose, it was organized 14 places of textbooks and teaching aids distributing. The library conducted an extensive cultural and educational work in the dormitories, the faculties, in the reading rooms. It was logical information, methodological and cultural center of the institute.
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Essay istoriyi.- Kyiv "scientific opinion", 1995.- 320 p.