Exhibition of Nataliia Shemyakina

An exhibition of the artist Nataliia Shemyakina entitled “Breath of the Autumn” is taking place in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’s Arts Gallery. It presents works created in various techniques of artistic painting of fabrics (batik).

Day of Japan - 2018 (video)

On September 7, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was painted in the national colors of Japan. There is the spirit of the Country of the Rising Sun on the campus.

The winners of the KPI Talents Contest 2018

On May 16th, in the exhibition hall of the academic building №7 was the closure of the second part of the KPI Talents Contest 2018 where 45 participants presented about 180 works in the genie of photography and computer graphics.

Andriy Kulagin exhibition is opened

There are artists who do not want to be similar to others. The world-famous artist Andriy Kulagin belongs to them. He is a painter and graphic artist, boldly experimenting with color and form, working in the genre of landscape, still life and portrait.

Scientists discuss the telecommunications problems

April, 17 the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute started the work of the XII International Scientific and Technical Conference “Telecommunications Problems” dedicated to the Day of Science and the World Telecommunication Day.

In love with floristics

Feeling of a soft touch to the beauty and magnitude of nature, its sensitivity, fragility has long been breathed by skilled craftsmen, poets, musicians. But, apparently, from all the creative areas most closely connected with the nature was the art of floristics.

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