Exhibition of Venera Sabirova

The exhibition of works by Venera Sabirova opened in the Picture Gallery of Igor Sikorsky KPI at the end of August. It presents more than 80 paintings, among them are landscapes, still-life paintings, abstracts etc.

The student graphical exhibition

Young artists, who are PPI (Publishing and Printing Institute) juniors studying graphics, presented their art works at the CCA exhibition, which was opened on May 17th.

The exhibition of works by Andrii Kulagin and his students

The exhibition of paintings by Andrii Kulagin and students of his studio was opened on the 5th of April, 2017, in the Art Gallery of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Centre for Culture and Arts. This is not the first meeting of the students with this artist.

Japanese cosplay in exhibition hall of UJC

On the occasion of the "Year of Japan in Ukraine" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Japan, a variety of events is being held all over Ukraine. They help to get acquainted with the culture and philosophy of Land of the Rising Sun.

International education exhibition «GRAND-PRIX»

On March 16-18, 2017 there was one of the main events of educational field of Ukraine – Eighth International Exhibition “Modern educational establishments” and Fifth International Exhibition of Abroad Education “World Edu” in Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth

Exhibition “Talented women of KPI”

The opening of the exhibition "Talented women of KPI" has taken place on March 9 in the art gallery of the Center of culture and arts of Igor Sikorsky KPI devoted to the International Women's Day on March 8.

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