Everyone should be able to swim

Teachers of the Physical Education Department of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute make a lot of effort for the full development of students and teachers. One of the components of human physical development is the ability to swim.

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of AKIT

     At the Department of automation of chemical production CHP 7 December was held the XI all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "automation and computer integrated technologies".

Mechanotronics in mechanical engineering 2017

The Department of Applied Hydroaeromechanics and Mechatronics has been already conducting the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad "Mechanical Engineering in Mechanical Engineering" for nine years.

We are going to open online courses

Among the public projects that were proposed by the teachers and students of our university and became the winners of the contest of the Kyiv city state administration "Public Budget 2017", there is a project to create a studio for the production of massive open online courses "Belka MOOC" at NTB

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