Praising of the Motherland’s defenders

On the eve of this holiday, on October 12, students and university staff gathered at the museum square near the monument to Igor Sikorsky and walked to the Temple of St. Nicholas, the heavenly patron of the Kyiv Polytechnic.

Results of border control spring 2018

From March 19 to March 31, 2018, the first border control of knowledge (attestation) was conducted at the university. The control compulsorily covered the 1-3rd year of bachelor's degree.

Vacancy fair «beAhead. Spring 2018»

Every year, in the spring and autumn the Igor Sikorsky KPI holds a fair of vacancies. This time, a job fair called “beAhead. Spring 2018” took place on April, 19 in the building No. 18 of the university.

International academic cooperation: success and issues

International scientific and educational cooperation is now one of the very important directions of the work of any modern university. Moreover, the performance indicators in this direction affect both its overall rating, and its economic ability and its popularity among entrants.

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