Oleg Skrypka: I Believe in Ukraine

Numerous fans gathered in NTB (science-tech library) at the meet-the-artist event with the graduate of the Kyiv Polytechnic, famous rock musician Oleg Skrypka on October 25.

Exhibition of Venera Sabirova

The exhibition of works by Venera Sabirova opened in the Picture Gallery of Igor Sikorsky KPI at the end of August. It presents more than 80 paintings, among them are landscapes, still-life paintings, abstracts etc.

Choir summer tours

From July 26 to August 2, 2017 the Academic Folk Choir of Igor Sikorsky KPI visited the Baltic States. The music group led by Ruslan Bondar performed in Riga, the capital of Latvia, the ancient Latvian city of Valmiera, and also in the capital of Estonian, Tallinn.

The Folk Academic Choir Concert

On January 12, 2017 the Academic Folk Choir of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky gave solo Christmas concert in the premises of Lutheran Church of St. Catherine in Kiev.


At the celebration, which took place on 9 November in Kyiv Academic Puppet Theater devoted to celebration of Ukrainian Day of cultural workers and masters of folk arts, team activity of Arts & Cultural Center NTUU "KPI after Igor Sikorsky" was awarded the Gratitude of Kyiv mayor.

Respect our language

Destroy the language is very difficult, but it is possible. Unfortunately, our speech culture does not improve.

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