Gregory Sinitsa and Art Gallery KPI

 I first met with the artist Gregory Sinitsa in 1988 at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in his solo exhibition. Easel and monumental works of Gregory Sinitsa were placed in two large exhibition halls of the seventh building.

Travel "into New year"

In December Kiev excursion bureau- "Interesting Kiev", "Frescos of Kiev", "KLIO" and others are filled up with demands for excursion "into New year" - on Klavdiyevsky factory of Christmas tree decorations.

The first decade: Chapel of KPI - 60!

Chapel of  KPI  is 60! It is a short time for the institution, but for the student choir it is a large period. Every five years its participants change (during this time 12 generations of students have changed!).

Language is a living organism

Language is the extremely old phenomenon. There isn’t the human without language. The primary function of language is to be a mean of communication, storage and transfer of knowledge. That explains the interest in language that people always showed and show.

Olena Teliga. Short life lasting the whole eternity

You can live your life in different ways. You can go long and silent, leaving unnoticeable traces on the sand of existence, which will be washed by time, but you can inflame shortly and lively, dazzling by shine everything around you.

The artistic casting of the Kyiv Polytechnic

Firstly, the metal come to people’s life as a need: tools, machines and mechanisms, decorations. The first products from alloys were appeared on the verge of coal and copper ages - V-VI BC.

Women's Day

March 8th - it is the one of our favorite holidays. Over the years, this holiday exalts the woman, her beauty, tenderness and love, something changed and transformed into various socio-political forms.

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