Implementation of 2016 budget

University budget for 2016 approved in the amount of 1,039,500,000 USD, executed at 102.6%, the general fund revenue plan fulfilled by 100.0%, and plan special fund revenues - by 112.3%.

Compared to the 2015 budget year increased by 106.5 million USD, or 11.1%.

Our university named after Igor Sikorsky!

Наказом Міністра освіти і науки України Лілії Гриневич від 17 серпня 2016 року №992 "Про присвоєння імені Національному технічному університету України "Київський політехнічний інститут" нашому університету присвоєно ім'я його колишнього студента, видатного авіаконструктора ХХ століття І.І.Сікорського.

The action of "KPI-Green"

Student council of campus together with the management of NTUU "KPI" started an action among the universities "KPI-Green", which purpose - to collect secondary waste. KPI Students can take waste paper, batteries, covers of plastic bottles and get it presents.

Dear colleagues and friends!

In threshold of New 2016 Year I would like to wholeheartedly wish you good health, happiness and success in all your beginnings!

Office of psychological counseling

According to the rector’s of NTUU "KPI" order No. 4-120 dated from 04.06.2015 the office of psychological counseling is created at the university for employees and students.

Psychological help consultations are conducted by lecturers of psychology and pedagogy department.

20th tour of complex monitoring of specialists training quality

In March-April of 2015, Institute of Monitoring held the 20th tour of complex monitoring of specialists training quality in NTUU “KPI”.

The monitoring embraced nearly three thousands students of еру fourth year, 137 specialties, 133 departments of NTUU “KPI”.

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