Congratulate with the world day of labor protection!

April 28th Ukraine together with the whole world celebrates the Day of labor protection. The World Day of labor is celebrated in Ukraine for ten years, draws public attention to the labor protection problems and improves safety.

Dear women!

I heartily congratulate you on the holiday of spring and love - Day March 8! It is symbolic that it comes at a time when Mother Nature throws heavy shackles of winter and day light overcomes the darkness.

Working together on a project

In frames of the cooperation Polytechnic Lyceum NTUU "KPI" with the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management NTUU "KPI" on the implementation of the project DTEK "Energy Efficient Schools" February 17, 2015 for students of the grades 9-11 participating in the project, Ph.D., Assistant pro

Volunteer Battalion KPI appeal

We asked all who care to give donation to help military in ATO zone as well as wounded soldiers in the hospitals. The donations will be received: from staff  by the union leaders, from students  by the heads of the faculties student councils.

[Tuesday - 16:10; Friday - 10:30] Guided sessions in the library

Since November 2014 the Scientific and Technical Library of G.I.Denisenko NTUU "KPI" invites on a guided tour "Wandering Library", during which you can learn the history of one of the oldest university libraries in Ukraine, portrait gallery "Ukrainian in the world" and unique physical experience

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