Choir Festival in France

In May Folk Academic Choir KPI participated in the international festival of choral music, which was held in a small French town Gerzat, located a few kilometers north of Clermont-Ferrand - the capital of the Auvergne region. We crossed almost the whole of Europe by bus.

Watercolors of Sergiy Spitz

"A talented person is talented in everything" - these words were heard repeatedly during the opening ceremony of the exhibition of watercolors of Sergiy Spitz, which opened on May 16 at the Art Gallery named G. Synytsi Cultural Arts Center.

"A day of Japan" in KPI

May 21 a charity event "Japan Day" organized by the University in conjunction with the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine, UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine and Ukrainian-Japanese Center of NTUU "KPI" took place at NTUU "KPI".

Meeting with Sviatoslav Vakarchuk

March 13, the famous singer, songwriter and social activist and leader of the band "Okean Elzy" Sviatoslav Vakarchuk met with students of NTUU "KPI".

Lecture of Mikhail Khodorkovsky

March 10, famous Russian social and political activist, journalist, long-term political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky read a lecture at NTUU "KPI".

Thanks for interesting meetings!

Workers of Cultural Arts Center of NTUU "KPI" repeatedly were at literature and musical evenings in our library devoted to prominent figures in the history and culture of Poland. Library staff holds evenings with the honored worker of NTUU "KPI" V.P.Sapronovoyu.

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