Hieroglyphics of feelings

Under this title in the picture gallery of our University hosted an exhibition of Kiev artist Natalia Goncharova. Mistress compares her paintings with poetry, which can not be listened,it can be only seen , that's why the images are followed by its own poetry.

Female vernisage in the KPI

March 5 in the picture gallery of the Center of Culture and Arts NTUU "KPI" there was opened the exhibition "ART-WOMEN", dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8. The exhibition repersents works created exclusively by women – the university employees, as well as the guests.

"Talents KPI 2014" invite

November 5, 2014, the solemn opening of the annual art contest "Talents KPI" was held in the exhibition hall of the building 7. 68 participants submitted to the contest 350 works in the genres of "Painting", "Graphics", "Arts and Crafts" and "Embroidery".

Irina Shekhovtsov's "Autumn Rhapsody"

9-30 September 2014, a solo exhibition "Autumn Rhapsody"  of Irina Shekhovtsov - Senior Lecturer in Management Department of  Faculty of Management and Marketing, Head of the art studio FMM "Innovation"- was held at the Art Gallery of NTUU"KPI".

Choir Festival in France

In May Folk Academic Choir KPI participated in the international festival of choral music, which was held in a small French town Gerzat, located a few kilometers north of Clermont-Ferrand - the capital of the Auvergne region. We crossed almost the whole of Europe by bus.

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