Volunteers help

Some news from headquarters volunteer battalion of KPI, whose activities since September last year aimed at helping military (ATO members).

Women volunteers KPI: help and warm

We regularly inform our readers with the activity of Volunteer Battalion of the KPI. This Battalion aims to help the Ukrainian military - ATO participants. Today, we will speak about the important role played by women - employees of the University in such an important charity work.

Volunteers – Warriors of Good

The basis of aggression against the Ukrainian state was initiated by two major factors: disorganization of the central government and the general decline of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which were to contribute to the success of the operation with minimal losses.

Volunteer Battalion KPI appeal

We asked all who care to give donation to help military in ATO zone as well as wounded soldiers in the hospitals. The donations will be received: from staff  by the union leaders, from students  by the heads of the faculties student councils.

Kyiv Polytechnic to Ukrainian military

December 26, the official transfer of the vehicle - SUV «Chevrolet» to Ukrainian military was held near the university interfaith church of St. Nicholas. This vehicle was additionally equipped by the students NTUU "KPI".

How "goblins" are created

Shaggy camouflage (other names - woodman, ghost, chameleon) in Ukraine until recently was used in monitoring the animals in nature. But today it is also used by  ATO fighters. Production of costumes involved, including hundreds of women and Volunteer invite all concerned.

Volunteers help participants ATO

As we reported, at the initiative of the Rector of NTUU "KPI" M.Z. Zgurovsky, Charities' Volunteer Battalion KPI "was established in the University.

KPI Volunteers

The anti-terrorist operation is held at the East of Ukraine. The fighting continues with sadness and sorrow for the victims and wounded Ukrainians. There are KPI students, professors, and staff among those who defend Ukraine. Thousands of people on a peaceful territory do not stand aside.

A car as a gift to fighters ATO

Kiev Polytechnics  actively engaged in volunteer work to help the soldiers involved in the ATO. Volunteer Battalion deploys work under the guidance of prof. S.O.Kudria. Trade union employees  accumulate funds to help the families of soldiers-polytechnics.

Welding Department to Armed Forces of Ukraine

Since May 201 a volunteering for the benefit of the armed forces involved in the area of anti-terrorist operations started  by the initiative group of staff and students of the Faculty .

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