Take Care Of Your Health Since Youth

Physicians sound alarm: the majority of schools leavers have deviations in health. Therefore at the university when young people become more senior and are more responsible, it is necessary to listen attentively to yourself and to make efforts for organism maintenance in work capacity.

Trees for Future Generations

Among the oldest and most respected trees of Ukraine there are many oak trees older than 300 years (only 8 of them are older than 1000 years).The legends tell about them.

Be Careful on Water!

Summer is the time for having rest. Lake, river and sea promise us luck and relief. Meanwhile, it is important to remember that water can be the source not only of enjoyment, but of danger. That is why you should be careful, attentive and sober on water.

Breathing exercise for health

Human's life begins with breathing in, maintains by breathing and ends with exhalation. Regulating the breathing allows human to change his/her condition. Indian sage X-XI c. Horaksha claimed the breathing to be a fire which burns the consequences of the actions: inhalation gives strength, controls and clears the body, breathholding makes thoughts clear and gives a long life, and exhalation has cleaning functions. According to the Indian yoga, breathing exercises influence on life energy ( ci or chi - in Chinese, ki - in Korean and Japanese, thi - in Vietnamese). Among most people its activity is poor, the circulation is chaotic or blocked that causes diseases, which can be omitted by the breathing regulation. The objects of the regulation are the way of breathing: through the mouth or nose (preferable), through one nostril, by turns: through left or right etc; the phase (inhalation, exhalation, breathholding, and pause); type (upper, intermediate, lower); duration and intensity of phases, rhythm, tempo. Inhalation increases the cortex tone, exhalation reduces it.

31 of May is the world day of struggle with smoking . Smoking is the problem of the century.

Tobacco was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. At the beginning tobacco was attributed with healing properties but in Turkey, Britain and Russia in the XVII century was accepted the law providing strict punishmentv for people who smoke tobacco.

If to talk about the present time, in the United States and in the coutries of Western Europe and America observed a sharp tendency toward smoking restrictions. In Ukraine there is a low which prohibit smoking in public places. It is not allowed to smoke in elevator, in payphones, in institutions of healthy care, in educational and correctional institutions,at the playgrounds, in the entrance of residential houses and in public transport including trains.

Types of numbers

The number is one of the main objects of mathematics, which is used for counting, measuring and marking.

Geyser health - juniper pyramidal

In our polluted metropolitan areas there are increasingly appeared the blotches of evergreen plantings. Most of them are from a family of junipers, featuring a variety of shapes and forms, but the same property to clean the air.

Resonance - friend and foe

Resonance - this is a phenomenon of a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations of the system, which occurs when the frequency of the external force becomes close to certain values (resonance frequencies), due to the properties of the system.

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