Drug addiction is a disease which is caused by a systematic use of the substances put on the list of drugs, and evidenced itself in psychic and physical dependence on them.
About two centuries ago the French Academy of Sciences initiated competitions aimed at solving actual scientific challenges with great cash awards for winners. In 1731 The Royal Society (London) created the first scientific award - the Copley Medal.
Christmas holidays in different countries have something in common: farewell to the old year and hopes that troubles remain in the past, and in the new year things will get better. But in spite of this each country has its own traditions .
There is no need to list all the facts so that a sensible person may find out the harm of smoking. Firstly, about 25% of smokers die of cancer, heart diseases or a stroke.
Leonhard Euler is considered to be the most prolific mathematician of all time. He wrote his treatises in a simple manner, clearly and plainly, as a man of pen and ink writes letters to his friends.