KPI again takes the first position in "TOP-200 Ukraine"!

On May, 30 the world saw another academic ranking of universities of Ukraine with III, IV accreditation levels "TOP-200 UKRAINE» 2014.

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University shared the first place.

Ukrainian scientific citation index

Systemic introduction of citation index as a regulatory parameter of estimation efficiency of the economic research of subject activities began in Ukraine in 2009, however, the situation with access to databases of scientific citation tracking (SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) still rem

Rating of the university departments – 2013

In order to determine the results of the main activities of the departments of the University for the second year in a row a training department of "KPI" conducted the ranking of university departments according to the methodology approved by Methodical Council of "KPI".

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