Rimovych Andrew. Improvement of metro drives

This semester a student of 6 year Department of automation of electromechanical systems and electro drive FEPEA Andrew Rimovych receives scholarships of the Rector NTUU "KPI". To the future of young professional steps carefully and consistently.

Asiman Mamedov – Rector’s Scholar

What people feel when acquainted with a KPI student? Usually, an  interest appears in the eyes, a desire to communicate and join to something significant. Our university keeps the bar of high education, so one can tell about graduates of polytechnics with pride.

Eternal glory to the hero!

Administration, trade union organization and collective NTUU "KPI" inform with deep regret , that on September 2, in the area of the ATO, for the freedom and independence of Ukraine, a student of Mechanical Engineering Institute, a true patriot, a true friend, a kind and bright person - fighter

Success of Postgraduate at FPE

This year a postgraduate student of Metal Physics Department at FPE Igor Vladymyrskyi won the competition NAS Ukraine for obtaining prizes for young scientists and university students for the best scientific work.

Student at FEPEA Studies Intelligent Systems

A large part of the research conducted at our university associated with the use of mechatronic systems, the combining units with electronic precision mechanics and their electrical components  to ensure the design of new modules and systems with intelligent control.

KPI Students at Chemistry Olimpiad

This year's All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Chemistry was held April 22-25 at the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University (Dnipropetrovsk). Competitions were held in three categories - "General Chemistry" for students of chemical specialities, "Chemistry" for students of medical, biotechnological, agronomic and environmental professions and "Chemistry" for students of chemical and chemical-engineering specialities.

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