Pride of the faculty

There is a faculty in KPI where students are teached the most prospective profession of the XXI century - biotechnology. Natalia Peresypkina is a student of the 6th year at this faculty, the nominal scholarship of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The One to Get President Grant

Not with standing unpredictable economic and political situations, the programs of the young scientists’ support still work. For example, the edict about appointment of grants of the President of Ukraine to young scientists was signed.

Get Education and See the World

Year 2013 has become the lucky one for Oleg Lavrynenko who is the advanced student of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems. He has become not only the presidential grant holder but was chosen as "The Student of the Year 2013" of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems NTUU KPI.

Interclub Informs

Today students from 41 countries study in our university, there are 12 associations, which connect fellow countrymen of their countries. Each association has chosen a head, who organizes the association’s work, helps students in solving their problems concerning both studying and living.

Dreams about discoveries and improvements

It’s hard to imagine the former student whose heart wont pant after hearing such words as “aerohydromechanics” and “mechanotronics” in case he dreams about new discoveries and improvements of different technical devices.

Congratulations! [the Second World Games of Martial Arts]

Congratulations to the fifth-year students of the NTUU "KPI" Institute of the Mechanical Engineering, academic group ML-31m, Andrii Nikitchenko for winning a silver medal in the Second World Games of Martial Arts (Sport Accord World Combat Games), that took place in St.

Girl in the colors of autumn

In the gorgeous palette of autumn everyone chooses colors which are preferable for us. So women faces: the soft- spring , luxurious, mysterious . Why mysterious ? This is not revealed immediately. Quick look cover image, attentive – details, inquisitive - character.

Meeting with first-year students

October 2nd 2013 in the center of Culture and art of NTUU “KPI” meeting with administration of KPI and first-year students took place.

Never Stop at What has been Accomplished

The undergraduate Anna Martinenko is well-known in Department of Nuclear Power Stations and Engineering Thermal Physics of the Faculty of Heat and Power Egineering.  It is difficult not to remember this spectacular girl.

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