ITS students - leaders in telecommunications

This year's spring and early summer season began intensive research to students of  ITS: student competition, two competitions of scientific papers and several international conferences –  incomplete list of activities where talented youth can try their hand.

Students of KPI save hearts

May 13 in Santa Clara, California, it was the final two-day international hackathon Cities Hakathon at Internet of Things World 2016. Two years in a row, the first place in the competition of the best developers takes Ciklum.

They won’t be worse than the neighbors

Anton Yakhno, the third year student of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering , is distinguished among his peers by knowledge, outstanding achievements in studies and fitness level. He always was intent on purpose to be at the head of agemates and drove to it.

To serve heart longer

The 4th year student of Biomedical Engineering Faculty Maria Hloza dedicated her scientific research to noble cause of improving quality and continuation of life expectancy.

Rector Scholars from the PPI 2016

Publishing and Printing Institute has been always attracting talented, ambitious and mobile youth. They receive up-to-date knowledge, using the best experience. Therefore, they usually come across few problems while searching for a job.

Oleksiy Melnyk – rectorial scholar of FEA

During this semester a five year student of FEA, from the department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive (AEMS-EP) Oleksiy Melnyk receives rectorial scholarship. The youth advances carefully and consistently to the future profession.

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