Student Basketball Party!

At the Igor Sikorsky KPI sports complex basketball competitions completed on December 14 among male student teams of universities for the Student Trade Union Association of Kyiv.

Sports club "Talisman": the formula of success

Already for three decades exists in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute sports club "Talisman". At first it was a club of rhythm and health, but with the advent of a new direction - aerobics - it became an aerobics club and, in fact, confirmed its name "TALISMAN".

KPI rock climbing hall opened

September 22, in sports complex KPI Igor Sikorsky held a solemn opening of the rock climbing hall "KPIskelya". It will become a training base not only for the Kyiv Polytechnic National Team - anyone interested in climbing can do this.

Physical Education is vital!

It seems everyone knows that health is a great value. Congratulating people with a New Year or a birthday, traditionally and first of all, we wish them health. A good standard of health is the foundation of human achievements in any industry.

Ukrainian Volleyball Cup is ours forever!

Team of Volleyball Veterans of Igor Sikorsky KPI, which has already won the Ukrainian Volleyball Cup among veterans in the nomination of 75+ in 2015 and 2016, proved to be the strongest this year, having won the final competitions of Ukrainian Cup in 2017.

Aerobics competition 2017

Competition in aerobic gymnastics for the championship among the departments under the program of the Spartakiad of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was organized on 20th of April, 2017 in the aerobics and fitness hall of the Center for Physical Education and Sports.

Competitions in gymnastics 2017

Team-Personnel Championship of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” of the gymnastics was on April 5, 2017 on the premises of the Sports Complex of the University.

Volleyball players are competing

Volleyball competitions among the teams of faculties were held within the framework of the University Spartakiad in the volleyball hall of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Sports Complex from March 10 to May 16, 2017.

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