More than 6000000 fires occur  in the world every year. About 60 thousand from this number  are  in Ukraine. Fires have always been one of the most severe national calamities. In the Middle Ages the major cities of Europe systematically  were devastated by fires. Kiev and Moscow were burned repeatedly, while  Strasbourg only in the XIV century, was burned for eight times. Berlin was burned off  totally two times. September 2, 1666 in London, England suffered a major fire, which lasted for five days and destroyed 87 churches and 13,200 houses. One of the most dramatic episodes of the war with Napoleon's armies became the September 1812 fire in Moscow. From 9151  houses existed  at that time in the city,  6596 were burned.

The first mention of measures to combat fires in the Kievan Rus is in "Russian Truth" - legislative provision, which appeared in the XI century.

1672, the pump with pressure hose was invented in the Netherlands. With a help of  this pump water could be  supplied from a large distance. Such pumps with hoses were the main technical tool for fighting fires until 1829, when a steam fire engine was created. During XVII-XVIII centuries fire regulations were introduced, a fire-guard service was appeared. At the beginning of the XX century   a chemical foam  to extinguish fires petroleum was first obtained,  automatic fire detectors were appeared, chemical foam or powder extinguishers. Therefore, over time, mankind has created all, or almost all the facilities to successfully combat the fires.

Fire safety should be ensured through organizational, technical and other measures aimed at the prevention of fires, human security, reducing potential losses, mitigation the adverse effects if they occur, creation conditions for rapid and successful suppression of fires.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Fire Safety"  providing of fire safety companies, institutes, universities, and others is a responsibility of their Heads  (in KPI - deans).

Fire safety in residential buildings (apartments) private housing and other detached outbuildings - garages, as well as suburban homes, garden plots rests with the owners or tenants, unless otherwise indicated by the contract of employment.

Duties of the  University Deans  and the bodies authorized by them, as well as tenants for fire safety are established by the Law of Ukraine "On Fire Safety".

They must:

  • develop and approve the regulations, instructions and other acts, acting within the scope of higher education institutions, to carry out continuous monitoring of their observance;
  • ensure compliance with fire safety requirements of standards, norms and regulations of the state fire supervision;
  • provide training of the stuff to the rules of fire fighting equipment and the promotion of measures to enforce them;
  • properly maintain fire protection and communication equipment, fire equipment, equipment and inventory, to prevent their use for other purposes;
  • утворювати, у разі потреби, відповідно до встановленого порядку підрозділи пожежної охорони та необ­хідну для їх функціонування матеріально-технічну базу.
  • form, if necessary, in accordance with established procedures, fire brigades and logistical base needed for their functioning.

Obligations of the parties of the leased property must be defined in the contract form.

V.Laptev, Labor Safety NTUU "KPI", M.Medintsev, chief engineer PPA NTUU "KPI"