On May 30, 2017 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was visited by coordinator of "Eurasia" program in the Norwegian Center of International Education and Cooperation in the Field of Education - Bord Hekland (pictured on the left).
Our sincerest and cordial congratulations on 72d anniversary of Defeat of Nazism in II World War! These May days Ukraine is commemorating all those who won the freedom and defended our native land during II World War.
The project “Okiahari Koboshi” is an idea of the world-famous Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, who for the many years lives and works away from home - in France.
Dear colleagues, friends! Year 2016 passed into history. For Ukraine and our university it was complicated year, full of bright and various events. But at the same time, it brought us new accomplishments, new impressions and goals.
On the 6th of September principal of the NTU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Mykhailo Zghurovsky met with the representatives of the student's government.