Our sincerest and cordial congratulations on 72d anniversary of Defeat of Nazism in II World War! These May days Ukraine is commemorating all those who won the freedom and defended our native land during II World War. We are truly proud of our ancestors who made contribution to the fight against the enemy.
Death and devastation hit our land then, having deprived each family. Our hearts cherish memories about sacrifice of defenders of our Motherland for the sake of our nation and native land and about millions of brave and enduring soldiers. With great appreciation we remember of those who put their lives for the happy future of descendants.
Dear veterans, You saved our Motherland. We are extremely grateful to You – defeaters of Nazism, heroes for freedom, for happiness to bring up children, grandchildren, be happy with the sun, a chance to live and fight and be gratified by success.
Nowadays, the issues of war and peace are the most critical and relevant more than never. Military aggression has been committed against Ukraine and it is still going on. Again we protect our country with weapons, fighting for independence, freedom and humanism values.
We pay heavy price but we will get the right victory since we are protecting our native land, our Ukraine!
Glory to defenders of the Motherland! Glory to Ukraine!