On April 4, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was visited by a delegation of the Christian Social Union parliamentary group of the Bavarian Landtag (parliament) led by its chairman Klaus Holechek.

The delegation included members of the Bavarian Parliament Dr. Gerhard Hop, Dr. Stephanie Geiger, Maximilian Stepfer, Head of the Central and Eastern Europe Department of the Hanns Seidel Foundation Benjamin Bobbe, Deputy Head of the Free State of Bavaria in Ukraine Anna Maslak, and Project Coordinator of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Ukraine Oleh Watamaniuk.

Vice-Rector for Educational Work Anatolii Melnychenko and Director of the International Cooperation Department Alla Kovtun met with the guests. The participants of the meeting exchanged views on the difficulties faced by students with disabilities and combat veterans while studying at the university and in university dormitories. After the discussion, Klaus Holecek handed over to the university representatives a certificate of charitable support for inclusion at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in the amount of 10,000 euros from the Bavarian Construction Industry Association.

During a conversation with representatives of the university media, Klaus Holechek said that the Bavarian Association of the Construction Industry decided to make a donation of EUR 10,000 to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to support those people who return from the front and find themselves in difficult life circumstances. These funds should help to equip the university with a renewed inclusive environment, which is being created within the framework of the Education Without Limits program. He also expressed hope that opportunities for further similar projects would be found outside the program.

"The initiative of the representatives of the Bavarian Construction Association, who today, accompanied by representatives of the Bavarian Parliament, presented us with €10,000 to solve certain problems of creating an inclusive environment, is very appropriate, and we are grateful to them for this," said Anatoliy Melnychenko. "In particular, this donation will allow us to make certain constructive changes in one of the student dormitories.

Volodymyr Shkolnyi

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