Gift to Library

H.I.Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library "KPI" expresses gratitude to Victor Korsun, a deputy executive director of the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center, for donated publication in the amount of 140 copies.

The glory Shevchenko will never forget

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko, Scientific and Technical Library G. Denisenko NTUU"KPI" has prepared its own program of honoring the memory of the great Ukrainian artist, and gave an overview of the most interesting books about it.

Thanks for interesting meetings!

Workers of Cultural Arts Center of NTUU "KPI" repeatedly were at literature and musical evenings in our library devoted to prominent figures in the history and culture of Poland. Library staff holds evenings with the honored worker of NTUU "KPI" V.P.Sapronovoyu.

Gift to the library

In the summer of this year the NTUU "KPI" research library of professor G.I.Denisenko replenished at once with more than five hundred books. It is gift of the head editor of the "Kyiv Politekhnik" newspaper Vladimir Vasilyevich Yankovy.

Valentina Petrivna Sapronova

Valentina Petrivna Sapronova has graduated from the electricity department of KPI in 1960. For many years she worked as head of integration in building management.

Automated delivery of books in STL

In 1987, Scientific and technical library "KPI" was launched the electronic catalog. In 2012, there were added 65,522 new records for revenues of library collection of books and magazines, which the library received in previous years.

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