The series of art educational events, dedicated to known historic and cultural personalities, are carried out for the third consecutive year in the Science and Technical library NTUU “KPI”. The last one, conducted in January of this year, was the 15th.
The library started these artistic events on the initiative and with an active participation of Valentina Petrovna Sapronova, whose creative activity during her life is connected with Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
The before mentioned artistic event was dedicated to the life and work of outstanding Polish painter Ian Mateika (1838-1893).
Having told about main milestones of his biography, Valentina Petrovna highlighted in details the art works of the master. Ian Mateiko is known beforehand by his historical pictures. This is not surprising- the history was his real hobby. History and patriotism – two main themes of his life and works. In every historic work of the master on can find Poland, its old and modern glory history, greatness and mistakes in the state creation.
There are in his active also two works from the history of Ukraine- “Vernigora” and “Bogdan Khmelnitsky with Tugai-bei near Lviv”. Moreover, the stained glasses of the cathedral in Lviv were made on the base of his design.
The audience was interested by emotional speech of V. Sapronova. This speech was accompanied by the slideshow, prepared by the head of the fund of unique artifacts Marina Miroshnichenko. The head of Kyiv Association of Polands Anelia Yurkovska successfully complemented the report.
The listeners, gathered in conference-hall, thanked by applause the organizers of the event and asked about the date of the following evening. They got the answer. It will be in the March of this year and will represent Lesia Urkainka.