Kulzhenko Stefan - a prominent publisher

January 5 is the birthday of the famous Kiev publisher of late XIX - early XX century Stefan Vasilyevich Kulzhenko. In scientific and technical library of the University, this date was marked by the presentation of books published at the time in the printing house of Kulzhenko.

Inauguration of the Jean Foucault bust

September 6, a bust of the world-famous French physicist and astronomer Jean Bernard Leon Foucault (1819 - 1868) was inaugurated in Scientific and Technical Library NTUU "KPI" of G.I.Denisenko.

National Atlas of Ukraine - a gift KPI

Now one of the achievements of independent Ukraine - First National Atlas of Ukraine (NAU) is available at NTUU "KPI". This gift on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine made on September 4 Rudenko, corr.

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