The First Master Class of the Student Space Belka

On April 13 the first master-class of the student space Belka took place: "Belka with our own hands", in which students made 100 fixtures into LED lamps. In 2 hours a friendly team of 14 people - boys and girls, techies and humanitarians - coped with this task.

Rare books of descriptive geometry

First year students of almost all faculties acquainted with the exhibition of rare books on descriptive geometry during March - April which was deployed in the hall of rare books of STL NTUU "KPI".

Representation of the library in network

Without exaggeration, nowadays the youth "live" in social networks. Here people learn, communicate, work and find answers to many questions, eventually they make new friends and only do not marry.

Vintage Editions on Arts and Architecture in STL

The library stock of rare and valuable books of H.I. Denysenko’s Scientific and Technical Library of NTUU “KPI” keeps many books on various branches of science and education, including textbooks from XVIII–XX c. Among the books, the collection of literature on arts and architecture of XIX–XX c.

Extraordinary tree in STL

Lately, on New Year’s you can see unusual homemade Christmas tree. In particular, in the library is the original tree from books.

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