Peresopnytsia Gospel - 450 years

What can tell an ancient manuscript? Most often, it has neither the author nor the name. Peresopnytsia Gospel - one of the few manuscripts, the history of creation of which is described in the manuscript.

Inauguration of the Jean Foucault bust

September 6, a bust of the world-famous French physicist and astronomer Jean Bernard Leon Foucault (1819 - 1868) was inaugurated in Scientific and Technical Library NTUU "KPI" of G.I.Denisenko.

Fedotkin Igor Mykhailovych

June 15, 2011 we celebrated 90 years of talented scientist and teacher, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department in the past, and now a leading researcher of the department of chemical, polymer and silica engineering Igor Mykhailovych Fedotkin.

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