Kyiv Football League (KFL) was established September 24, 1911, at the foundation meeting of representatives of sports clubs Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the German gymnastic society, the Polish gymnastic society and other sports organizations.
Today most of large higher educational establishments in the world have university small-size space craft (SC) – nanosatellite creation programs. Creation of nanosatellites is a promising area of youth involvement with space subject.
November 19 - the birthday of M.V.Lomonosov - a man who is rightly called the founder of the science and higher education in Russia, one of the founders of modern Russian language and poetry.
Eski-Kerman - one of the most beautiful and mysterious cave cities of Crimea, tourists love to visit. Its cliff facing travelers as fantastic creatures, huddled together for many centuries and keep their secret. From the once flourishing city only caves remained ...
Konstantin G. Samofalov - a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of State Prize of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR.
Social and political activity of M.P. Drahomanov was in progress in the years 1960-1990. In the history of Russia, Ukraine and the Western Europe, it was an extremely difficult period of time which had a determinative tendency of amplification of the working liberation movement. M.P.
This holiday was established by decree of the President of Ukraine in 1997 and is celebrated annually in honor of Ukrainian chronicler Nestor, who was a follower of the creators Slavic alphabet Cyril and Methodius. This year it is celebrated on the state level the anniversary 995 years of St.