Berezhkov Valentyn Mykhailovych. Twists of fate

By the will of the circumstances, he was a member of many historic meetings and negotiations at the highest level when determining the fate of Europe and the world, participated in the preparation and signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (also known as the Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact - an intergo

Yangel Mikhail. Creator of nuclear missile shield

Michael Yangel was born October 25, 1911 in the village Zyryanova Nyzhnoilimskyy district of Irkutsk region in a large family. His parents - Kuzma Lavrentiyovych and Anna Pavlovna - had 12 children. Michael was the sixth child.

To the 100th anniversary of the eminent missile designer M.K. Yangel

25th of October, 2011 marked the centenary of Mikhailo Kuzmich Yangel, an outstanding designer of space and missile systems, member of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, twice the Hero of Socialist La

Think over! [5]

The tourists left the hotel at 15 o'clock and went to the near mountain. Climbing up the mountain, they immediately (without rest) turned in the opposite direction and at 21 o'clock they already were at the hotel. The tourists left the hotel at 15 o'clock and went the near to the mountains

Petro Ivanovych Bidyuk. Grooming a change of guard

Among NTUU “KPI”'s record-setters, who were honored as laureates of the “Lecturer-Researcher” competition for five years straight (all the time the competition existed), is one Petro Ivanovych Bidyuk – a doctor of technical sciences and a professor of the IASA's Systems Analysis Department.

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