Celebrations on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory.

On the 7th of May at NTUU "KPI" was held a solemn meeting on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The participants of the Great Patriotic War - Kyiv Polytechnic Institute veterans - were gathered in the hall of the Academic Council; there they were warmly welcomed by the first pro-rector of NTUU "KPI", academic NAS of Ukraine Yuriy Yakymenko, a chairman of the trade union of the university employees Vitaliy Molchanov, a veteran of the World War II and long-term employee of the university Mykola Trykhlib, the head of the NGO "KPI Veteran" Yuriy Nesterenko and a cadet of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information of NTUU "KPI", a senior soldier Julia Popravko.

Through the trails of Crimea

Students During the May holidays the KPI students attending the tourism section joined forces with the pupils of the School #2 of Vyshniovka to go on a hiking trip of the first category of difficulty through the caves of Crimea.

The Price of the Great Victory: Ukrainian Dimension

Every state has some dates which signify remarkable events. May 9, the Victory Day, is such a date for Ukraine.

Every year, as May begins, the activity of governmental and non-governmental institutions increases: at different levels of public administration more attention is drawn to the participants in the Great Patriotic War, battle-front veterans and children of war. The reasons why the war was unleashed, nations' and states' participation and contribution to the Victory, its effects on the further development of the society are still being discussed by journalists, politicians and scholars specializing on the war. Films and series about the war are shown on TV.

Voice of victory. Yurii Borysovych Levitan

Many people believe that the personal enemy of Adolf Hitler was a legendary submariner, the Hero of the Soviet Union Oleksandr Ivanovych Marynesko (1913-1963), which is sent to the bottom of the Baltic Sea the ship called "Wilhelm Hustlov" with five thousand people on the board.

On the Intellectual Property Day [research and practical training workshop “Practical Application of Forensic Enquiry of Intellectual Property Objects in Ukraine”]

In 2013 the International Intellectual Property Day, celebrated on April 26 every year, was celebrated under the slogan of "Creativity: Next Generation". With this motto it draws the attention of the general public to the role of youth in the country’s development. The progress of modern science, culture and arts is tied to young people. The youth are open to perception of knowledge, easily acquire skills and abilities, have an immense intellectual potential and extraordinary creative abilities which manifest themselves in the perception, picturesqueness of thought, restless imagination, aspiration for fantasy, relaxedness and keen memory typical of young adults. The notion of youth is directly associated with that of the future. And thus, more attention is being drawn to the issues of raising the younger generation’s interest in intellectual property, one of the most important phenomena of the XXI century.

Energy Efficient Lighting for the Great Physical Hall!

Dear staff and students of NTUU "KPI"! We invite you to take part in the indefinite event to collect waste paper, followed by the purchase of energy efficient equipment for the classrooms of our university.

Currently, we offer to upgrade the lighting system of one of the most important halls of the university - The Great Physical Hall.

In the hall, there are about 150 incandescent light bulbs, which, as everyone knows, are an inefficient source of light. Besides, a large room height and location of the lights on the ceiling limit the light output reached on the work surface.

Members of the SAS presented the world their inventions

On April, 25 two hundred and fifty finalists of Ukraine defense of scientific researches, students of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in front of the main building of NTUU " KPI" released into the sky colored balloons with tied to them names of their inventions.

April 26 – World Intellectual Property Day!

To scientists, engineers, inventors, creators of new technical equipment and new technologies, to all employees of Kiev Polytechnic Institute!

Dear friends!

I heartily congratulate you on the International Day of Intellectual Property!

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