Epics of Kyiv Polytechnic

In our time, the enrollment into the KPI was not easy, and training in it - much harder. Among the recognized almost by all of the most difficult education subjects the theory of machines and mechanisms – TMM is occupied the leading place.

Something about the world famous physical experiments

Recently, the Foucault pendulum, which is considered to be the fifth most important natural experiment that changed the world, was opened at our university. But what are the others? This is exactly what this publication is dedicated to.

Peresopnytsia Gospel - 450 years

What can tell an ancient manuscript? Most often, it has neither the author nor the name. Peresopnytsia Gospel - one of the few manuscripts, the history of creation of which is described in the manuscript.

Inauguration of the Jean Foucault bust

September 6, a bust of the world-famous French physicist and astronomer Jean Bernard Leon Foucault (1819 - 1868) was inaugurated in Scientific and Technical Library NTUU "KPI" of G.I.Denisenko.

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