Higher Education Reform: Student’s Opinion

Representatives of Scientific society of students and postgraduates of NTUU “KPI” took part in the All-Ukrainian roundtable discussion “A student's view of legislative reforms in the sphere of higher education of Ukraine” which took place on September, 14 in Kyiv.  This project is realiz

At the meeting of the Eurasian Association of Universities

 On the 23-25 of September ​​in the capital of Belarus, in Minsk took place VIII Forum of Creative and Scientists and engineers of other CIS member states' 2013 - Year of the environmental culture and the environment in the CIS member states".

On the Way to Success

To the beginning of new school year at the Department of Scientific, Analytical and Ecological Devices and Systems ( DSAEDS ) IMD were prepared thoroughly since the summer. Since students spend on chair most of their time to their psychological relief was developed special interior design.

Tuz Julian Michajlovich. 60 years with KPI

History of the National Polytechnic Institute is made by, first of all, people, outstanding personalities who diligently during decades are creating and building up the unique environment, which is proudly called KPI Planet.

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