Department of long-term development, established by order of the Chancellor of NTU "KPI" of 21 February 2013, is a university department which coordinates the implementation of the "Strategy Development of KPI for the period 2012-2020 years". It solves the problem of the development and management of property complex, development of information management activities, cooperation with student organizations, provides safety and security at the university and others. The Department has 346 employees: 45 - specialists in different spheres, 188 employees of the security department and 113 staff of the ISZZI canteen.

Let’s describe the main results of the work, problems and tasks in the fields.

Work on the practical implementation of the ‘Strategy Development of HTUU ‘KPI’ for the period 2012-2020 years’. The implementation of this strategy and action plan is the responsibility of the whole team of our university. Organization and control of execution is under control of university administration and the Chancellor himself. The implementation of the development strategy was considered to be successful by the staff of "KPI" in 2012 and in 2013. It indicates a high level of university management.

In terms of methodological and information support of making decision further development of this system is offered:

- during this year to prepare and conduct scientific-methodical seminar on strategic problems of development and management of the University and the possible change of its status into independently acting;

- to develop the concept and to prepare offers for the development and implementation of an automated system to support decision-making management;

- to develop and implement a subsystem of decisions control of the Academic Council;

- to improve the system of internal monitoring (rating ) and consideration of external ratings as a tool for evaluating the quality of the university management system.

The development of the property sector and the optimization of the university area. The total area of the property complex decreased in the past year due to space of ISIS that seceded from the university. Today it is 535.5 thousand m2, including 35 academic buildings and 21 dormitories. The space of academic buildings is 348,621 m2, 114,780 m2 of which are for educational activities and 6882 m2 for scientific activities. In recent years the tendency transfer research facilities in the educational fund. Over the last year 1062 m2 of the area were transferred. The problem is that some of these areas are not used.

In summer 2013 ISIS was separated from the university by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers. But the military department, a unit of ISIS, is situated on the area of the campus, in building number 27. So we are faced with the important task of relocation of to the building number 27.

As in previous years some of the area is rent. Today the University demises 4414 m2 of the area. Leased buildings are used to provide social and personal services. During 2013 university has got leasing charge in the amount of 5.4 million USD.

One of the optimizing tasks of the use of the university space is a placement of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering.

The organization of investment projects of development. Government doesn’t give funding for the construction of new academic buildings and student dormitories for a long time. Therefore university has to use only its own funds and look for outside investors to build necessary buildings. All decisions regarding adoption of investment projects are made by the Commission on its many meetings.

Nowadays university has the following investment projects of construction:

- Construction of ICC "Stolitsa" of the student dormitory (1-3 floors str. Vyborzka) with 500 places and house (Kovalskiy lane);

- Construction LLC "Standart" of the dormitory ( 4-11 floors on Vyborzka street), and residential complex (Polyova street).

- Construction LLC " RIC "TOP" of classrooms block in the Institute of Telecommunication Systems (Industrialna street);

- Construction of "Axon-Invest" of academic building of FAX.

One more project has started. It’s the construction of laboratory building of FICT and the laboratory of FPM is at the design stage.

Unfortunately the vast majority of investment projects are not being carried out, and the project of the first importance of the student hostel (IBK "Capital") is executed with a significant lag. The reason for this lag is the economic crisis of 2008, following the recession and lack of funds of investors.

During last few months Investment Commission has been working with investors about finding fund sources and the immediate start of construction; additional agreements are considered investor in the event of default by the timing of the construction. In this case object would be given to another investor. We agreed all aspects on completion of the first importance project of building of the hostel with ICC "Capital".

The development of information management activities. Provision of information and personal data security. University computerization is a powerful tool of integration and information usage, communication and the provision of other services to improve the quality of education, science, university management and integration of KPI in national, European and international educational and scientific community.

Information-communicational system of the university is a large-scale notion, performing traditional tasks, such as information on the activities of the university; remote access to education (e-campus development CB IS KPI) and other resources, contingent accounting of students, information of administration and university departments, and others.

Information-communicational system consists of about 5,000 pieces of equipment integrated into net (27 of them - the backbone servers NOT "KPI -Telecom ", 100 servers, departments and more than 4500 working places of users). Approximately 6000 computers are integrated in the campus.

During 2013 in this area several tasks of development of information management activities were performed. In particular, work on the development of the information sphere by introducing new subsystems of management activities. Namely, 6 modules of the AS "Decknat" of the new AS "Test" to monitor the knowledge of graduates of pre-university training. The level of interconnection of the "Dean" with the unified state electronic database on education (YEDEBO). A new multipurpose portal of the university is designed: Together with CB IC KPI-Telecom, ITC CSP work of development of the information-communicational systems was performed. It included examination and formulation of terms of reference for upgrading a single data warehouse of the Data center. The Coordination Committee for information security and service information security was created. In cooperation with SRC "TEZIS " and laboratory "Bezeka" PTI launched execution of complex work to improve the protection of information and personal data. Some other projects were carried out. They are connected with accounting base of students: support and preparation for the new format of the Diploma through the automated system "Osvita ", coordination of orders and production of student electronic tickets, combined with a bank card, student underground e-tickets.

Insufficient level of integration and structuring, a limited number of modern distance learning and on-line services , the low level of data protection and personal data, outdated infrastructure equipment and software are the problems of information.

Objectives of information are creation of the multiservice informational area with e-education functions ( e-campus, e-lectures , distance learning , e-assessment of the quality of knowledge (testing) e-plans of studying, teacher workload, e- schedules , etc.), virtual surrounding of the scientist (remote scientific services and on-line experiments, e- library, academic e- publishing and e-conferences, patent, scientific and metric support scientists and others), rating and the estimation(ratings of teacher -researcher, a young teacher, researcher, student, etc.), electronic university management (e-planning and e-document management , e-recruitment department, e-accounting etc.), e-payment services.

It is also necessary to improve the use of "electronic campus KPI" together with the Department of Academic work; to improve the interaction of the "Deckanat" and YEDEBO; to develop the technical task on the creation of the complex system of information security system "Deckanat"; to continue to create a comprehensive system of information security and to modernize the data center; to provide access of managers to integrated databases and statistical indicators with the ability to conduct thematic analysis and forecasting.

The organization of cooperation and coordination of public student organizations. One of the best in the country student self-government operates in our university. It aims at intensifying the processes of social activity among students and promoting the harmonious development of personality of students, obtaining skills and knowledge of leader, organizer and manager. The bodies of student self-government work in close collaboration with the university administration at all levels.

Coordinating Council was created to improve the system of student self-government, to raise the level of cooperation with the administration and coordination of public student organizations. On the Council meetings relevant questions of the Council and specific projects are considered. At present, Council is discussing the content of collective agreement that will be considered and adopted at a conference of the staff this year.

Scholarship and welfare of students. The proportion of students who receive a scholarship is almost the same. It is 83 %. From 01.09.2013 minimum academic scholarships is 730 USD. For student with excellent marks the scholarship was increased to 830 USD on 01/01/14, the scholarship of the Chancellor and nominal scholarships of KPI is 850 UAH.

KPI has a system to encourage the best students in learning through established and the individual and personal grants of KPI (about 175), the grant of the President of Ukraine ( 5), the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2), the Supreme Council of Ukraine (4) , name I.V.Kurchatova (2). In addition to the basic scholarship, the scholarship in amount of 1000 USD is granted. For example, "Energoatom " (16) and personal grants of graduate CPI MP Ukraine D.I.Andrievskogo (10), the grant of the bank "Nadra " (5).

Public assistance and social protection of privileged categories of students. A significant and important work with social assistance and social protection of privileged categories of students is held in KPI. The number of orphans is 140 people among university and most of them study at FIVT, VPI and FEL. 232 persons with special needs study at the KPI (mainly from FIVT, MMI, FMM, FL ) and 45 suffered from Chernobyl accident . 44 students’ families have children. All of them are registered in the department and our stuff constantly help and work with them .

The program "Future of Ukraine" in collaboration with the Junior Academy of Sciences, lyceums and schools, organizing creative competitions for youth and career-guidance work. The purpose of the "Future of Ukraine" is to create the conditions for finding young talent, to expand the possibilities of obtaining the technical education of the highest quality for high-tech innovation development of society. Program "Ukraine's Future" brings together three complex annual events, such as conferences, scientific and engineering exhibition; competitions of young researchers by field of study.

Competitions of scientific creativity of young people are an integral part of the program. In the 2013 such competitions were held: Ukrainian festival of innovation "Sikor¬sky Cha¬l¬lenge"; European engineering competitions, Ukrainian Youth Water Prize (based on HTF); Intel-Techno Ukraine 2013 (based on PTI).

Ensuring safety and security on the territory of the campus, the organization of work of security department, volunteer public order squad, division of security of the vital activity, headquarters of civil defense. Ensuring safety and security on campus is an important task for our team. Efficiency of this area significantly affects the working efficiency of employees and students and full satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs.

Security system and law enforcement at the University are provided by the 1st Department of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (12 employees) , security department (188 employees) and volunteer public order squad ( 517 vigilances). Security system at the University is based on respect for all of the common principles of law, the balance of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state, their mutual responsibility to ensure the security and integration with local security systems etc.

Threat level depends on the criminality in our neighborhood and city. The work requires a constant attention. In 2013 in the university 131 cases of theft and 23 cases of robbery are registered. In addition in 2013 squad on duty received 660 calls, 221 of which are cases of violation of internal regulations and 439 cases of alarm.

The most criminogenic facilities of the University are the building number 1 (there are 52 cases of theft), № 7 (41 thefts case), № 18 (38 cases of theft). Effectively prevention of crimes can be achieved by implementing access control (turnstiles) and video surveillance systems.

Life safety and civil defense are important areas of work of the department. The department of life security and civil defense headquarters head the work with these areas.

Organization of the interaction and integration of the activity of ISIS and ISCIP with university. In 2013 one of the important working areas of the Department was the strengthening of cooperation and integration between university and its units of double submission: ISIS and the Institute of Special Communication and Information Protection (ISCIP). To fulfill this task in February 2013 military complex of KPI was created.

The tasks of military and specialized training complex are to strengthen the integration of teaching and researching areas of ISIS and ISCIP with the university, to improve the interaction of administrative and commercial services of ISIS and ISCIP with the university, enforcing contracts with DoD and DSZZI food delivery services for national servicemen of ISCIP. The total worth of contracts is 20.2 million USD ( ISIS - 15.6 million, ISZZI - 4.6 million).

At present urgent tasks are the relocation ISCIP from the territory of the State University telecommunications (SUT) to the territory of KPI (building number 27), the relocation of the military department SUT to the territory of ISIS SUT (Moscovska 45/1 street) and completion of contracts with DoD and Ukraine DSZZI to provide food services for military department SUT ISCIP KPI.

Work for the prospects. The main idea of the newly formed department is to work for the prospects. We need to focus on implementing development projects of "KPI" and search for new ideas that will bring our university closer to the world's standards. I hope for cooperation with all departments and direct participation of institutions and departments in achieving our common aim. Finally, I want to appreciate the staff of the whole department of prospect development for creative work. Despite some difficulties the university is steadily moving ahead. One and all we are able to achieve the objectives that are set by "Development Strategy of KPI for 2012-2020 years".

Oleksandr Novikov, Vice Rector of National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,

Executive Manager of prospect development