Due to the approaching of state certification students of some departments and institutions apply to the questions concerning evaluation system protection degree projects (work) and public examinations.
Before this academic year evaluation of degree of protection projects and activities was conducted only according to the national 4-point scale - "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", and “unsatisfactory." The members of the DEK evaluation conducted by expert estimates, that is based on an intuitive comparison as a specific diploma and its protection with some hypothetical ideal model. In theory of expert assessments the probability of coincidence of the results of the evaluation by individual experts (members of the DEK) with 4-level scale is 80%.
This year, according to the order of 05.06.2013 № MON 683, a new form of protection protocol HES diploma projects (works) are required to affix points on a 100-point scale and evaluation of national and ECTS scales associated with the design application diploma of the European standard.
The requirement to implement a 100-point scale will require the use of quality control methods. Therefore, a training department of the University has prepared recommendations for the development graduating department relevant evaluation criteria. Using these criteria based methods for quality control aims at an objective evaluation and increases the likelihood of shrinkage estimates members of the SEC.
It should be mentioned that the formation of ECTS assessments should be conducted under the rules set by the European experts. These rules are specified in many documents of the Bologna process, but we take into account documents regard-proceedings of the Diploma Supplement European model of higher education (DIPLOMA SUPPLE-MENT), for example, a letter from 10.06.2010 "Guidelines for completing the Diploma Supplement a European-style university in Ukraine. "
Under these regulations all students as part of the course / stream that looked certain credit module, ranked by scoring scale university (in the CPI is a 100-point scale, in other universities may be different), and certain varsity division students who passed semester positive certification puts assessment ECTS: "A" - 10% of the most successful students, the next 25% - "B", the next 30% - "C", the next 25% - "D", followed by 10 % - "E". European experts strongly emphasize the importance of the criterion of 10 per cent limits assessment of "A".
Pay attention that the practical implementation of this procedure in a large university is too complicated. Although, this option was introduced at the National Trade and Economy University. By the way, according to this approach in educational groups of 20 students grade "A" should be received only by 1-2 students, and evaluation of "E" and "D", that is "satisfactory" – almost by 7 students.
In the course of the teaching experiment on introduction of credit-modular system in our university were tested method of direct transfer points scale universities to estimates ECTS.
This scale is sufficient to adequately ¬ desired distribution estimates ECTS and primarily provides requirements to share ratings of "A".
At the end we note that the Diploma Supplement European model provided the university evaluation system and evaluation of all student credit module it on this scale, so using a different scale for the assessment of state certification is fundamentally impossible.