Winners of the contest "KPI Talents" - 2024

he art contest "KPI Talents" - 2024, which was held under the slogan "With spring in the heart - to the Victory", is over. The results have been summarized and the winners have been announced.

International Forum "Ecology and Peace" in Kyiv Polytechnic

Scientists in the field of engineering and energy, experts from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Ecology of Ukraine,

businessmen and MPs, representatives of the UK, USA and Japan united to fight against ecocide, nuclear terrorism, mining and water pollution in Ukraine.

KPI students won the CSC 55 hackathon

The annual hackathon CSC 55 - Computer Science and Cybernetics - is held by the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the NGO Hackathon Expert Group with the support of GlobalLogic, Revenue Grid, MiddleWare Europe.

Science Day 2024

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Science Day!

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