Our history: to know and to proud

To realize ourselves in this world, we should know who we are and where are we from. Travelling  helps us to know the history of the region and its famous people - educators, scientists, and community leaders.

Visit of ІЕЕЕ Industry Applications Society representatives

In October, 12, the president of International organization of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (ІЕЕЕ Industry Applications Society), David Duroshe as well as the manager of department of participant and members of ІЕЕЕ Industry Applications Society, Peter Magyar visited NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”.

Be ready for resistance

Meeting of the head of the primary trade Union organization of educational facilities in Kiev took place in the Center of Culture and Arts NTUU “KPI after Igor Sikorsky”. Numerous speeches testified about the protest mood of Union members.

The holiday in our library

This year's celebration of National Librarian Day in a team of Scientific and Technical Library named G.I. Denisenko of NTUU "KPI named Igor Sikorsky" was especially interesting.

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