At the Academic Council meeting: 07.10.2019

The first issue on the agenda according to the report of the First Vice-Rector Yu.I.Yakymenko The Academic Council approved changes in the structure of the units of the University: Mechanical Engineering Institute, Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology Faculties

Meet: Aerospace Technology Institute. Interview with IAT Director Ivan Korobko

This year, the students of the Aerospace Technology Institute, established in April, also took part in the traditional Freshman Day. “The Kyiv Polytechnician” asked his director, Ivan Vasyliovych Korobko, about the new unit, the tasks facing this educational and scientific unit, as well as about its students and partners.

Lecture by a professor from Turkey

On 3rd October, Professor of High Physics of Middle East Technical University (Ankara), Dr. Bilge Demirkoz, gave a lecture on “Center for Space Radiation Research in Turkey: Collaboration with CERN” for teachers, scientists and students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

“RepRapUA” festival in the library

Those who only heard about 3D printing and did not imagine what is this, as well as everyone interested in modern technology, were able to see with their own eyes the capabilities of these technologies at the “RepRapUA” festival at the Scientific and Technical Library of the Igor Sikorsky Kyi

Valentyn Anatoliyovych Svidersky turned 70!

Valentyn Anatoliyovych Svidersky was born on October 10, 1949. His childhood and youth passed in the village of Rokytne, Rivne region, where his grandfather and father worked at the local glass factory. So,from childhood he knew about the work of glass workers.

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