A library day with ecological slogans (video)

30th September - is the Allukrainian day of libraries. It is not the first its celebrating in Scientific and technical library named after H.Denysenko passes under a certain slogan, that determines the direction of activity, that have to increased attention.

Vasyl Herasymchuk – 70

   On 24th September V. Herasymchuk – a famous scientist, administrator and organizer, a professor of international economy`s department, is 70 years old. 

EcoHi from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Having travelled Lithuania this summer, Ukrainian tourists got acquainted with its northwestern region – Samogitia, which retained its identity and culture for many hundreds of years, and Samogitians retained their own language and stubbornness.

Again, "Sushka"

In front of the entrance of the building No. 1 on the first day of October, “Sushka” (“Drying”) took place – this is the name of the annual exhibition of photographs taken by students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Meeting with the heads of scientific and educational field of the Republic of Lithuania

The issues of establishing effective cooperation in the area of science, education and technology and its prospects were discussed between the heads of educational field of the Republic of Lithuania with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the authorities of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute during their visit to the university

Congratulations to Yurii Yakymenko!

Congratulations to the first pro-rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, to the academician of NAS Ukraine Yurii Yakymenko with an assignment the Order of the Academic palms of officer

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