Artificial Intelligence and problems of the law

Noam Shemtov, co-chair of the project «Specialized Court on Intellectual Property in Ukraine», delivered a lecture-presentation on «Intellectual Property Law and Artificial Intelligence Technology: Conflict or Combination» to students, postgraduates and staff members of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Pol

Students of the Institute of Aerospace Technologies Won the local NASA competition

On October 19-20th, two teams of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute took part in two competitions for the first time at the local stage of the International Space hackathon, the Space Apps Challenge, which is being held in different countries with the support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States. First team competed in Dnipro, the second one - in Kyiv

Innovative developments for the manufacture of medical products

The project of scientists of Department of Laser Systems and Physical Technologies (LTFT), of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (MMI) for the manufacture of medical products made by a 3D printer became the finalist of the Sikorsky Challenge startup competition

Mechatronic hydroplant

Alternative technologies and devices, which use renewable energy and energy saving technology, are being developed due to threat of global energy and ecological crisis in the innovative countries.

New collaborative laboratory at IFF

In recent years, a real revolution has been taking place in materials science, related to the creation and increasing use of nanomaterials - nanostructured metal, ceramic and composite materials, which are made of powders, the particle size of which has the order of nanometers (10-9 m).

Svitlana Tockar's Seventh Sense

Svetlana Tockar, a bright woman, singer with a unique range of voice, head of vocal studio "Seventh Sense", has been working at the Center of Culture and Arts of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institutefor 23 years already.However, her songs are

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